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Bug with Add Second Product Pricing .

Started by seraght, January 27, 2013, 10:17:24 AM

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Before I post this I try to find the solution to fix this problem but I can't see.

My joomla ver. 2.5.8
VM Ver. 2.0.18a
My Site is newer install site. Not upgrade from old version.

1. First I create a new product and set SKU, Name And cost price with user group what them can see this price.

2. It work perfectly and show the price cost.

3. So I click to edit same product and Add Pricing. After I add new pricing I can't drop down user group button but new pricing can.

4. After click save the price has gone.

5. I click edit again and currency had been change to first currency and group gone.

6. After that if I select user group and click save the price will show again.

I try this on web hosting and my pc. I get the same error.

How I fix this bug?


I found new way to avoid this problem by
1. Click on "Add New Price" on the bottom of "Product Pricing" not add by click + button.
2. Click save one time.
3. Edit your product again and edit price.
4. That work.


And if I need to add so 100 products? it is inconvenient


Upgrade to a more recent version of VM2 - IIRC the product pricing didn't work correctly for me on one of the earlier builds but the new builds have done.