manual istall - not sure what to do with the ext_aio_zip file

Started by maxelcat, January 08, 2013, 17:08:38 PM

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I am doing a manual install of version 2 into joomla 2.5. I downloaded and unzipped the latest version and got two more zip files and I then unzipped this one and saw a whole pile of folders that I recognise - so I just upload those over the top of the joomla. HOwever, whenI unzipped the ...ext_aio_zip I saw some folders/files that I don't recognise eg admin - where do I upload these to - the same level as the administrator folder that I do noramlly see in a joomla install?

I read this - but it confused me - perhaps I should bother with the ext file at all???



Why are you doing a manual install?

I assume you used J2.5's discovery to complete the installation of the first component?

You must install the aio component for VirtueMart to function - it contains shipping and payment plugins, VM modules and some language files. If you really cannot install the correct way with the extensions installer then install from a directory - it is described here for J1.5 but is the same for 2.5,
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Hi - thanks for reply. Tried the backend of joomla but got "There was a problem with the install" or some such. I suspect this is because there is a 2Mb upload limit on the server. (Had problems uploading big pdfs before)

Believe it or not I didn't do the "Discover" and now its not detecting anythjing. Going to try a fresh install of joomla and then try again.


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