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[Solved] VM 2.0.16d - Migrator changed order date

Started by xpozay, January 07, 2013, 16:47:37 PM

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Once the migrator has run all orders have their order time changed by 8 hrs (backwards).  I gather this is something to do with GMT as I am GMT + 8 (servers all configured this way and is my PC where I am doing my testing & migration).

How can I resolve this so that the time is not moved backwards by 8 hours.

Note:  This is a different problem than my previous post where the migrator writes the migration date / time in stead of copying the order's last modified date - date / time of updates.


Date / Time is now stored in 'normal' date time format as at GMT.  Thus if you do not have your Timezone set correctly in Joomla's Global configuration, VM will display all the dates / times incorrectly.