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Is there possibility for a customer to SAVE default shipping/payment methods?

Started by amymattian, January 04, 2013, 11:36:36 AM

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when customer comes to the shopping cart and is asked to choose Shipping-method and Payment-method, there is a button called SAVE. But this does not really SAVE options for this customer, but only for this ONE ORDER. When customers do regular orders, they would like these methods to be always ready for them, so that they do not have to EACH Time choose them again. Can this be done somehow? OR is this option coming in future versions?

Hope fully this change can be done and the shop comes more user-friendly!

- Anne


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the customers are all registered customers, but this does not still happen.

I have noticed on another site that only when there is no other option than one payment method then that payment method is saved, but what I mean is that when there are both several shipment methods and several payment methods, then when customer clicks SAVE button on the page where he is choosing those, then the next time the same customer comes to the shop these methods would be default on his shopping cart, but in case he wants to he could change these by clicking the Choose payment/shipment methods links. I don't see this happening now where there is multi-choise methods for both Shipment and Payment methods. Please clarify if I have miss understood something!

We are using J2.5.8. and VM2 2.0.16 (and some sites still 2.0.14).



"when there is no other option than one payment method then that payment method is saved" <- its not saved but automatic select method do the job

"I have noticed on another site that only when there is no other option than one payment method then that payment method is saved, but what I mean is that when there are both several shipment methods and several payment methods, then when customer clicks SAVE button on the page where he is choosing those, then the next time the same customer comes to the shop these methods would be default on his shopping cart, but in case he wants to he could change these by clicking the Choose payment/shipment methods links."

actually its doable since every order saved in #_virtuemart_orders , so we can only need to check the last payment and then applied it...
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I don't get this working so I'm wondering what am I doing wrong. I only get the payment/shipment method showing by default if there is ONLY one method. But if there are several methods, EVEN when the registered customer has done orders before, there is no method visible in the shopping-cart-page by default, but the customer has to EACH TIME choose the method from the link and list. What am I doing wrong when the method is not chosen by the system by default?

- Anne


Happens the same to me, no methods appear, users always have to click select payment and select shipping method. Would be nice if a default method appeared at least (would be even nicer if all methods appeared or we could choose them from dropdown boxes).


Yes I agree! This opening a new windows for both methods is troublesome for customers. The easier the better. Hopefully this will change or then atleast the customer would be have a possibility to SAVE both methods as DEFAULT methods for him for future orders.



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Hi Milbo,

any ideas if it will be added in the new updates? This would really help make the shopping more easier for regular customers.

