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vmError: Cant save rating/review/vote without vote/product_id

Started by hossein1448, December 04, 2012, 09:56:32 AM

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hi,i got this error
we cant publish user comment,review and rating for product in administrator page in virtuemart component(in Reviews and Rating).....when i want to publish this reviews and rating i got this error : "vmError: Cant save rating/review/vote without vote/product_id"

another problem with review and rating is , i checked auto publish reviews in configuration/shopfront but some user comment is shown and some user comment don't show even som user comment didnt show in administrator/virtuemart/reviews and rating system.......please help me to resolve the problem,  i need online store with interaction with costumers and without reviews and rating sytem i cant do exist another module to be alternative way for comment and rate in vm 2?

(i use virtuemart 2.0.8a and joomla 2.5.6........i update viruemart to 2.0.14 but doesnt work i mean i have the problem yet!!)


This topic has been read 414 times (415 now) and it's more than 2 years old... I have a similar problem with the latest version of VM, which I posted here and I am affraid that this will fall in as this one. I've searched in every possible way I could imagine, found the questions but no answers, except those well known like "solved installing the latest version"... problem is that I already have the latest version. Here is the topic that I created:

Did somebody find the solution or at least something that could be tried?

Thank you!