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[SOLVED]Manuall Installation is confusing.

Started by Flaton, November 06, 2012, 15:10:59 PM

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First of all thanks for the great Component, impressive.

Because of the PHP SAVE mode I can't automatically install VM2 because I wanna edit the files for other layouts etc etc.

Now I have to do it manually and I did exactly what the tutorial is saying that I have to type ?option=com_virtuemart after I upload the files into the directories.
I did this and I see Vm2 but not an installation success, it keeps saying that it can't find the com_virtuemart.

The administrator/components/com_V.... in the admin component section, same with the component section, what am I doing wrong?


Is it possible Joomla doesnt recognize the installation because I already did the installation once? I noticed I couldnt edit the files so I removed them again and tried it manually.

Is there a way I have to clear something up?


Quote from: Flaton on November 06, 2012, 15:10:59 PM
Because of the PHP SAVE mode I can't automatically install VM2 because I wanna edit the files for other layouts etc etc.

I have no idea what you are trying to say there. Do you mean PHP Safe mode? So called "safe mode" should always be off. If it is not turned off on your server then move to a new one, as the PHP version is probably out of date!

If you ftp the files into place then you will ovawrite any files from aprevious install.

Anyway, the manual install method, which is really only used by advanced developers is on    In Joomla 2.5 once you have gone to /administrator/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=updatesmigration  and  hit "Reset all tables and install sampledata" then use the discover feature in Joomla's extension manage.

AFAIK the aio component will need properly installing using the Joomla extension manager.

You can install the main component using this
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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