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Unique Product SKU

Started by CyComodo, October 09, 2012, 16:41:39 PM

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In my shop every product has unique SKU.
Is there any way to add rule that I can't add same product twice ?
In my old system it shows notification: " This product SKU is already in use"
I would like to use this principle in Virtuemart also.



Use your phpMyadmin to edit the table virtuemart_products and set the field "product_sku" to unique


Thank you very much, it works.
But it has weird error. I created new product with used SKU to test it. Yes it shows error but also it clear out all the fields.
This is bad when I write long product description and accidentally add used SKU then Virtuemart clear all and I must refill  the fields.
Is this problem  repairable?