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[DEV HELP NEEDED] Iridium Payment Gateway

Started by dev@iridium, October 05, 2012, 09:47:08 AM

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Hi all,
Due to the vast demand we have received, Iridium are looking to develop an integration with VirtueMart.

After a little while spent looking into the code, the framework and the forum, along with Google, I am not a great deal closer.
Seems that the various changes going through VM2 and Joomla! 2.5 has left the documentation for both frameworks out-of-date/inaccurate.

If anyone can provide me with links or documentation which details in granularity what the minimum functions a custom payment plugin should contain this would be a HUGE help.
Also, the XML installer has confused me a little. How am I to add an entire directory of file to the install (i.e "iridium/iridium/" as the folder, i want all folders and files inside that folder to be added to the vmpayment folder under "iridium" sub folder). This is probably a trivial thing but cannot see any real clear guidance on how to achieve this.

If a VirtueMart reads this, please, PM me as I would love to discuss getting the gateway module as part of the core VirtueMart package, I dont mind coding it, but as forementioned, I have some questions  ;-)

To everyone else, keep your eyes peeled and feel free to shout if you want to beta test the the time calls for it.



Ok, so I am stuck and in need of help.
I looked at the wiki which is still in its infancy and had a search around.

I have managed to get a payment to work, which is great, but do not know how to trigger email notification to the customer (as im presuming this is required by most) and correct logging AND display of the response. Do i need to redirect somewhere, or if there was an error, how do I visually represent this to the customer on the screen?

Thanks in advance and regards,



I have a VM2 shop and my customer has just got an Iridium account. How are you getting on with the development of this? Will I be able to integrate the shop with Iridium until your work is done?!
