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Product Delivery Date for Virtuemart 3 Plugin

Started by David Kan, September 17, 2012, 11:19:24 AM

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David Kan

Helo everyone,

I have news for you, we've just published a plugin to add Product Delivery date for Virtuemart 3

For any Virtuemart shop owner who wants to set up delivery date for example day/month/year as well as delivery time/location for such products as food, flower, bakery, gift, etc, our Virtuemart extension is just right for you. It is a Joomla plugin but works exclusively for Virtuemart.

After installing the plugin like a normal Joomla extension, you will activate the plugin. Thus, shoppers can choose delivery date, delivery time and delivery location in the dropdown list during their checkout process.

How it works:

- Integration of Delivery date and time selection during checkout
- Select delivery date in a calendar window on the checkout page
- Select delivery location in time/location list, admin can change values if it's necessary
- No need to login the website but it's still able to choose delivery date and delivery location
- Administrators can see the required delivery dates in customers' orders.
- Delivery date will be displayed on the email of order confirmation
- The plugin will save delivery date/time in Virtuemart's order database.


Version 5.0.0 Updated: 2015, Apr 13

Compatible with Joomla 3.4.x & VM 3.0.12

- Fixed bug:

+ Don't keep input of the date when click [check out now] button

+ Don't enter proper about the interval but successful order

+ Delivery date is required filed

+ Don't show Drag and drop type of delivery time in front-end

+ Don't disable [date block list]

+ Added dropdown's the color of delivery time

+ [Block after] field not correct with [Due to] field

+ [Block after] field can input other characters which is not digits

- Feature:

+ Change product's name is Advance delivery date & time for Virtuemart

+ Allowed creating different delivery date & time based on the country, the state and zipcode

Version 4.0.0 Updated: 2015, Nov 27

- Allowing to set up format date

- Allowing to adjust displaying of delivery time with 2 options

- Selecting interval time

- Drag time option

- Allowing to setup displaying of the delivery day after current day

- Config and display delivery city

Version 3.5.0 Updated: 2015, Apr 27

-Compatible Joomla 3.4 and Virtuemart

#Fix Bugs

- Date Picker Font Error

- Time Picker malfunction

- Database error while placing an order

- Broken Icons on frontend

- Date Block error

- Typing custom date does not work

- Required notice error

- Not showing delivery date – time on FE after placing orders

- Previous dates are not blocked

- Form display error when cancelling payment, changing shipments or payments

Version 3.0 Updated: 2014, Oct 09

+ Compatible with Joomla 3.x and VM 2.9.x

# Fix bug of displaying and hiding properties in admin configuration, icon and text overlapped.

# Fix bug of not printing delivery date and time on checkout page successfully.

Version 2.0 Updated: 2014, Sep 26


+ Able to choose an accurate date for delivery

+ Able to pick up an interval for product delivery.


+ Admin can set up delivery time as a required part in the checkout process

+ Customize title color, label and border

+ Display settings: icon, title, label

+ Input a list of blocked dates

+ Allow admin to block dates for annual holidays

Version 1.0 Updated: 2014, Sep 08

+ Compatible with Joomla 2.5.x and Virtuemart 2.0.x


I paid for your delivery time extension and received no email with a download link or instructions where to get my files. Your site is also broken and I cannot login to ask for support or to download. When I try to login all I get is a 404 error.

David Kan


I did answer your problem via support forum and the problem is FIXED. Thank for your report.

On Sunday, my server is updated by hosting company and there are some written permission error happen, so the Virtuemart could not create invoice and could not send confirmation email with download link.

This happened with some other links on my website as I re-write them..

All problem are fixed on Monday morning and I sent the download plugin to you

If you have any advice, pls post on forum or send us a ticket




Yes, Support was quick within 48 hours I had my extension. Thank you for your help!


I'm trying to register in cmsmart forum, but I can't.

In register process everything seems OK, but when I try to login to post a Pre-sale question, not login.

I request my password, but no get any mail to my mail account.

I also trying to send a form, from product page in link "Ask a question about this product", open the modal, but don't load the form.

no way to ask if there is a control to deliver amount by hour, and prevent overbooking?


David Kan

Hi, thank you for you feedback!
I do not understand why the problem with registering happen to you? Everyday we have many new register onto our website..
Can you help to send me your account username so I can check on our system.

Thank you

Huy Nguyen


I'm sorry, but I still can not login! anywhere.
the link does not work properly: Ask a question about this product.

Nor do I find the answer to my problem in the support forum cmsmart. Can you send me the direct link?

thank you very much

[attachment cleanup by admin]

David Kan

Helo, pls give me your usename on our website. The " ask question about this product" is getting an error and are being fixed.

I will update soon

Helo, pls give me your usename on our website so I can check

David Kan

Helo my friend, I did check your email you sent to me. There is no urser with that email in user database.
Please register via

Many other user are using the forum and there is no problem

Huy Nguyen


I registered from here:
no from here:

Now I register from the second one. And when I try to login tell me:
Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet.

Is this a joke?

David Kan

Helo, I am do not understand what happen to you? Many new users registering daily and we earn livings also by selling commercial extensions, there is no reason we make the registration process broken.

You can register both links, 1 is for Joomla, 1 is for Virtuemart, both ok.

The messagae you received is meaning that you did not have account in my site, that why you can not log-in, or you have not activated your account. Anyway, I think the best way is to create your account myself and sent to you via your email. Please check your email.

Huy Nguyen


Great plugin.

Does the extension allow same day deliveries and if so can you specify a cut-off time for orders?


David Kan


Your questions are answered in our plugin. Yes, the delivery plugin can do what you ask. Please read more at



I have recently purchased the Product Delivery Date plugin for virtuemart 2. How do I customize this plugin so that users can order multiple products with different Delivery Dates in a single order. The invoice must display multiple products each with separate delivery dates.

Your help is appreciated.


Go back to the plugin developers and raise a support ticket

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php 8.1