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Can't add multiple products to cart

Started by irphan1, September 11, 2012, 13:30:21 PM

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I am using virtuemart 2.0.2 and joomla2.5.I need to show all the child products of a product on product's details page and add to cart all child when I click "Add To Cart" button.This functionality is exists in virtemart1.1.9 or below versions but in virtemart2.0.x not exist.Any help  will be highly appreciated .Please help me as soon as possible.

Irphan khan

Mod edit: changed title



most issues have been solved in regards to child products and issues related to child products or related products have been worked upon up to version 2.0.10.

* showing child products on a page is also a template issue - The issue of showing a list is not completely developed yet as part of the core.
some have developed :



Thanks for your quick reply.As you can see this is the default functionality in virtuemart 1.1.9 or below.when I add a parent product to cart all the child products added to cart  automatically but in vm2.0.x there is no such functionality. or can you please tell me know ,where I can find function that work in "Add to cart "  button click.Because I am thinking to  add  select query on 'default_addtocart.php' .By this ,I will select all child products.But the problem is that How I will add those products to cart on "add to cart" button click? is there any function so that I can use to add multiple products at once(only on single click).I need your suggestion please .

Thanks & Regards,


Hi This type of extension I have not seen in version VM2 yet.

It has been discussed quite often. The problem maybe in that single items and not variants/attributes might be easy but after that?



Below is the example(joomla1.5.23 and virtuemart 1.1.9)  where we can add multiple products to cart.This is default functionality in this version.But version vm2 does not have this functionality by default.I want the same functionality for vm2.That's why I   am talking about adding this functionality myself.But I don't know how to add multiple products to cart.Is there any function so that I just pass products ids and it add to cart(all products).It may be I am not explaining please ask questions if you don't understand, what I mean.

why other people  not replying my queries ??



Hi ,

I'll just answer the why people are not answering your question bit and then later I'll see if I have an answer to your exact question.

* I Think the post subject should say "Can't add multiple products to cart "  - then that gets people looking at the actual content - It took me several goes to try and figure out your question.

Also If they did understand and read it - there is no real solution to this at the moment without a hack-  I think in the end they will go with the VM1 solution I sent you.  Infact the page you sent to me does not allow me to take off one of the products or change the quantity in the cart. That would really bug me.

So maybe - if you have access type what I said in the subject area. I'll see if I have see a similar post elsewhere.

you might try writing to this guy :


Quote from: irphan1 on September 12, 2012, 09:35:14 AM
why other people  not replying my queries ??

This is not a chat room! It is a forum used by people in all time zones around the world, so you would normally have to wait, possible a few days, for someone who knows an answer to respond. As John2400 states,  you do not help if you use a very strange title.

Product bundling was not included in VirtueMart 1.1 but could be done using core hacks. In VirtueMart 2 it requires a plugin to provide this function.
See  - if that does not do exactly what you want then ask them to develop the plugin to your specification.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum



Here is one plug-in for adding multiple products to card: Catproduct

Maybe is this what you are looking for.
