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''Add to cart'' button,prices missing,error mesage

Started by elena_gen, September 10, 2012, 06:13:54 AM

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Helo,I'm new in Virtuemart,but I make a online shop in Bulgaria and I must end this in this week.
Can anyone tell me why when I try to confirm the order in the online store I forwarded a page which displays:'' Please wait for the shift to PayZen'', and in fact, I am still waiting and nothing loads?
Is it possible I did some setting for this?
Please answer quick because the shop to be released next week, and this is a big problem: (
Now I sow that in administration my order ( that I make just one time) is published 20 times!!!! And I can't delete any order:(
Please help me,I don't have any idea,what must I do?
And why did not you come when prices get in the cart and I ordered the product?
I thought it was due to the uniform color of the background and the numbers, but I did not find where to set the color of the particular numbers sumata.100% is in vm.css, has reviewed and changed everything.
Any ideas???
And one more question ..
Because of the theme you use has a similar button'' Add to Cart'' and that of Virtuemart is superimposed on it, not fir better to remove it?
I tried to upload a new image for the button, which completely hides of this topic, but when updating the version of Martha still going on as before you think to change it every time, so give idea.


Please tell us the precise Joomla, VirtueMart and PHP versions and give a live site url so somone can look at this. It is difficult to understand what is wrong just from your description.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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