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Adding Images to products after FTP

Started by Larion476, September 01, 2012, 18:12:50 PM

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I am currently trying Virtuemat 2.10 on Joomla 2.5.6 and figuring out how to set it up, Managed to add Categories, Product and custom fields (with some problems).

This post is concerning the images, rather than upload each image for every product and every category, I uploaded the images via FTP and created a structure in Stories (see attached image).
Then I enter the URL of the image I want from the appropriate folder (images/stories/virtuemart/product/applications/ap001-poster.jpg). I choose upload and I get an error message saying: vmError: Sorry,It's not a valid media file.

I manged to get it to work ONCE, now I always get this problem.

I think I makes much more sense to attach images this way, specially if you have a lot of products!!

Any help would be appreciated

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Hi Larion476!

I'm also getting the error vmError: Sorry,It's not a valid media file when I try to upload any kind of media via the VM Media Manager. How did you finally solve it?? I'm on Joomla! 2.5.8 Stable and VM 2.0.14.

Thank you for your answer!