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208e - Cart Module display Info Message (?)

Started by, August 03, 2012, 06:20:16 AM

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Hi guys,

- Mine is VM 2.0.e + J 2.5.6

If I enable VM Shopping Cart module, then Joomla will display this info message:
Info: weigth_countries _weightCond orderWeight:20 method->weight_start: method->weight_stop: result:1
Info: weigth_countries _nbproductsCond nbproducts:2 method->nbproducts_start:0 method->nbproducts_stop:0 result:1
weigth_countries _orderamountCond cart_amount:343.655052 method->orderamount_start:0 method->orderamount_stop:0 result:
weigth_countries _zipCond zip:55555

If I turn the module off, this message will not appear.
What am I doing wrong?  :o

[attachment cleanup by admin]
Author of Jtouch - Mobile solution for Joomla & VirtueMart

Thanks for your info, abo!
The message is still available even I turn off Debug in VM admin - opps!
Author of Jtouch - Mobile solution for Joomla & VirtueMart