Show Tax in Shopping cart but dont add it to each product or the total bill

Started by expresscufflinks, July 30, 2012, 11:44:22 AM

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Hi Team,

Using VM 2.08

I am sure there is a easy fix for this..

I would like to show the included tax in the shopping cart for each item -

xx item is 19.95.. tax is 2.00.. Total price is $19.95
YY item is 19.95.. tax is 2.00.. Total price is $19.95

Then at the bottom of the cart show the total tax.

Total Tax is 4.00... total of the bill is 39.90

I have everything sorted except how to show the tax INCLUDED in the prices as opposed to adding it on

Any help would be appreciated



the current software setting does not allow that configuration yet so .Yes this is a request (in the request forum) or you might need to pay someone to this for you. I have not seen this hack in any post just so you know.