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Show prices with tax (EU) for unregistered users

Started by Liewilyn, July 25, 2012, 08:12:30 AM

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I have the same requirement as the OP.

The point is this...

My shop is based in Australia and *most* of my customers are local. *Some* are overseas (and tax does not apply to them)

I want non-logged in users *browsing* my shop see the Australian tax. (In other words, I want to assume they are local)

If, after login / registration the shopper is in not in Australia, then the tax should not apply and therefore the configured tax rule should not be applied.

I hope this is clear.

I'm after guidance on how to configure for this scenario too.


OK, so setting up another tax rule the applies to the -anonymous- shopper group (and leaving the country blank) worked for me.

Additionally, FYI, If you set the tax rule in the shipping configuration to your local tax, then it will still be applied for an overseas buyer. This is useful because even if the buyer is overseas, the post office is still going to charge tax to ship the product.

Hope that help someone else out.


Australian shops do not need to set a tax up at all - Infact the GST applies to all goods & services so the price is the price.

* I would not set up a tax rule (for australia) - You the seller are the only one who needs to worry about the tax rate - you do this through your monthly tax statement. Customers do not need to see this.

* the default setting is default and is infact - "blank" on all goods - you do not have to set groups at all.

* Then you set up a tax - for all other countries. Then if they purchase then the tax is added depending on their address and shipping based upon their address as well. Tax on shipping does not apply in australia, weight and size are the only component australia post use.


I have to disagree here.

Business customers expect to see the GST amount on their invoices. to do this a Tax rule needs to be setup for Australian customers.

I had also thought (Maybe mistakenly) that overseas customers were not charged local GST on the goods. I guess you could tax all customers with the local tax (apply it globally). I'll need to check with my store owner to see which is correct.


Yep OK - GST overseas you are correct - and yes maybe for some business - they love to claim GST back - most will ask for it in a requested invoice. ( typical government agencies) -

For those overseas companies - you could just use a tax rule of 10% off. ( reverse tax)

In regards to the invoice - saying GST included - you could do that for Australian customers but .... 

* I have on the front of my store in the heading GST included for Australian goods. -

* For most they don't have the price and then add GST and show it like UK, USA ero. -
* they do add calculations - on overseas countries yes.  ( tomato , Tomato) - up to you - Thanks - I was just pushing the Australian - market only really.


Hi again John,

I checked with my store owner and his requirements are:-

GST for goods and postage for local, gst amount on the invoice.
No GST for goods *and* postage for overseas.

I checked the (gasp) ATO website. international mail is listed as GST free.

Anyway, the problem regarding display of prices without tax if the shopper is not logged in *is* fixed by the solution proposed above. (-anonymous- group tax rule)
Now the majority of customers (local) browsing the shop will see the GST inclusive price and everyone is happy.

Now if I can just get my other VM2 niggles sorted, I could go-live and have a beer.


Been trying to follow this thread and figure out the solution.
It's for a UK store but same principles apply, show VAT for everyone, then deduct/remove it for non EU customers.

After playing around with various combinations I eventually figured a really simple solution!
As well as a default rule i.e. vat @ 20% I also need to set up another rule for NON EU countries @ -20%.
Both rates do not have any shopper groups applied to them.
VM sees that both apply and the net result is zero VAT.

The other solution I found was to do a Tax per bill deduction (for the Non EU Countries) which in my case worked out at -16.66667%.

VM 2.10

Graham Coulter


I'm having the same problem like the OP. Customers in Germany are used to see the final price incl. tax. However if someone from outside the EU makes an order the shop owner cannot collect any taxes and hence no taxes should be applied. Manually refunding the money is a nuisance in particular if the customer uses a credit card or something. A global 'per order' tax rule wouldn't work since we have different taxes for different product types (e.g. books have a reduced tax rate).

The workaround with the anonymous user group raises a problem if you allow 'checkout as guest' - if this guest user tries to checkout both tax rules would be applied (the country specific ones and the one of the anonymous user group). This can be solved if you restrict the country specific tax settings to the 'default user' group.

However if now the non-EU shopper tries to checkout as guest something unexpected happens: For the non-EU countries I added a second rule that would again reduce the tax if needed.. (the rule would be set to apply to the anonymous user group and to selected non-EU countries). The math seems to work, but the display in the checkout process adds a confusing discount information and I don't understand where this comes from (see attachment).

Where do these '30 cent' discount come from? The total of 10 Euro is correct.

This is a fresh virtuemart 2.0.10 installation based on Joomla 2.5.6 - no other plugins, modules or anything installed. The shop only contains a single product category, a single product and 4 vattax rules:

  • two for the the default shopping group - everything works as intended here
  • and two for the anonymous user group - one without any country restrictions and the second one for countries where no taxes should be applied. The type is 'VatTax' - operation: +% (for the 1st rule) and -% for the second one - the values are accordingly 19 (for 19% tax rate) and 15.9664 (the amount needed to 'nulify' the 19%).
Anyone has any idea what happens here / why those '30 cent' discount are shown? Any input greatly appreciated.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Quote from: John2400 on August 08, 2012, 23:15:44 PM
Australian shops do not need to set a tax up at all - Infact the GST applies to all goods & services so the price is the price.

* I would not set up a tax rule (for australia) - You the seller are the only one who needs to worry about the tax rate - you do this through your monthly tax statement. Customers do not need to see this.

* the default setting is default and is infact - "blank" on all goods - you do not have to set groups at all.

* Then you set up a tax - for all other countries. Then if they purchase then the tax is added depending on their address and shipping based upon their address as well. Tax on shipping does not apply in australia, weight and size are the only component australia post use.

.. in my configuration ( 2.0.20b)...i created a Tax rule for non EU Countries (-19%)
I took an existing user - changed the country from EU to non EU - but nothing happens - the Tax is still calculated....

Is there a workaround for setting up tax for german shops (EU - EU with VAT - non EU) ??
Not logged in users will have tax calculated by default...that should be clear....but latest if the user is registered and logged in - the prices yould change (without tax for non EU Contries).
That`s the way ALL E-Commerce Shops are setup...VM has it`s own way ? (Admin has to change Shoppergroup ???)
VirtueMart VirtueMart 4.2.16 11030 | Joomla 4.x | PHP 8.3 | Vp_neoteric 1.6


We are in the same boat here!!  :(  Arghh!!  Why is this so hard!!

We MUST as an Australian shop, display prices INCLUDING tax - so even when not logged in - it must show a price including tax.  HOWEVER, when someone purchases from say New Zealand, we don't want tax applied!

Come on VM - How hard can it be!! 

The system just needs to check country and apply or not apply tax!!  Surely it's not that hard!!!


Hi just moved up from VM 1.1.9 to 2.0.24 and can't get this TAX thing working.

I need to show all prices with TAX (since most my customers are within the EU),
but when changing country in checkout, the TAX should not be added if customer is outside EU.
The problem is that all my orders are guest-checkouts, so I can't get some of the sollutions here to work.

I have set up a TAX rule, "Tax by product", 25 +%, currency: Euro, country: all EU countrys. Shopper groups: blank.
And on product: Base price "Apply default rules"
This works fine in the checkout but shows the price without TAX in the store (since you can't log in)

When I tryed add a TAX rule for shopper group "Anonymous" with the same rate, the store shows the prices correct
but since its a guestcheckout then it applys both TAX-rules in the cart.

Not sure how to fix this, it worked fine in VM 1.1.9, can anyone help me with this please?


I solved this for our store as follows...

I have a Tax Rule setup for 10% GST. No countries selected and and for all shopper groups.

I then have another tax rule setup for all countries EXCEPT Australia and have -10% GST.  That works perfectly.

My terms and conditions state that Tax will be removed at chekout if you are from Overseas. 



Quote from: Mongrel on October 17, 2013, 23:52:29 PM
I solved this for our store as follows...

I have a Tax Rule setup for 10% GST. No countries selected and and for all shopper groups.

I then have another tax rule setup for all countries EXCEPT Australia and have -10% GST.  That works perfectly.

My terms and conditions state that Tax will be removed at chekout if you are from Overseas. 


You Sir are a genius!!
Thank you so much, never though about going the other way around, works great! :D


You are welcome!  Glad I could pay it forward and help someone else for a  change.  :D