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Custom Text Input not showing on order or invoice

Started by starting9, July 13, 2012, 21:38:03 PM

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Hi all

I am running a store on Joomla 2.5.3 and VM 2.08c

I have two Custom Text Inputs along with a List for several products on my site  - it is a custom baseball jersey store that allows users to input their size (list), jersey number (custom input), and jersey name (custom input). All custom fields are saved as Cart Attributes.

When a user places a new order the custom attributes appear in the shopping cart and are correct. When an order is confirmed however the two Custom Text input attributes do not appear on the order confirmation or on the invoice. The 'Size' list does display correctly on the order confirmation.

This is very important as without a fix I would have to chase every customer after they have ordered to confirm what they wanted.

I hope that makes sense, but any help would be more than welcome!

Starting 9


Do you use several customs for it? Or do you use one custom for it and you use the same custom on the product?
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I'm not sure I understand your question Milbo.

To clarify:

Each product has three custom fields - but these are the same for each product.

1 - Field type: 'Cart Variant', Cart Attribute:'Yes', Is a list: 'Yes'

2 & 3 - Field Type:'Plugins', Cart Attribute: 'Yes', Select a Plugin: 'VMCustom - textinput'

All custom fields appear correctly on the product page and in the shopping cart.

The Cart Variant displays correctly on the invoice and order however the Textinputs do not show at all.

I hope that make sense - I can provide screen shots if it helps.




I was reading your post, and although I am not having the same problem, I was wondering if you could shed some light on a problem we're having.

How were you able to have different text inputs for each jersey? Specifically, our problem is when a customer is trying to purchase say five books of the same title, and wants two signed by the author with additional comments, but the other three unsigned with no comments, how do we accomplish this?

Thank you!

Green Monkey

I am having the same problem. I have just put up a question for this same thing but wondering if you had any luck?


Hi all,

I have set three text fields for you to test - in version 2.0.10 at  ( please make an order) on a wooden ladder .use post code 2400 . purchase a product .

this is a fake site - you should see ( the text , message and order on your invoice). The first order will contain an invoice because I have set it to pending.

I will leave it there for one day - let me know if this is what you are after.


I just missed your testing window. Tried to order the ladder but it is unavailable -- as you said it would be.

Did anyone figure out how to get Custom fields to show up in an invoice or email?



Hi John,

It worked, thanks.

Any thought on how to do the same with a static text field (terms/additional info for that specific product in the invoice)?


Just for now : a cheap mans way of ensuring agree info is a yes no button in the varians/attributes that says purchaseing customers have read the information in the product details and agree to the purchase?

Interesting thought I'll have a look and play a bit but at the moment unless you have a drop down field that is long I have't seen something similar.

Infact that is what it would be - (force a choice ) and the box chosen must contain the agreement. the length of text might be the issue. I have seen someone hack that I'll see if I can find it.



I have the same problem. I have created  child products for different size-rates (different price every rate),that customer can select from a dropdown list. Then, i want the customer to set the exact dimensions  via plugin text, not for changing the price but fon knowing the dimensions. For example, i select from dropodown list the width 75-95 cm, and then i have to set the width (82cm) and the length. But the fields don't appear in checkout and order mail.

Today my client told me that the owner of the store wants the customer to have the possibility to add the dimensions for each product and the price to be calculated according the dimensions that he sets. I think that i need a module for that.

I use Joomla 1.5 and VM 2.08 e.



You don't need additional plugin for that.
Which is the language of your site?



Does this happen when you enter latin characters to the text input?