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Change Shopping Cart Forms Text From "Shipping" to "Delivery"

Started by quailbb, July 13, 2012, 06:39:58 AM

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 I'm a newbie stuck on something that may be simple, but I just can't find the fix.  I have Joomla 2.5/VM 2.0.8 installed.  I'm setting up a flower shop site with local deliver, so I need to change the title text on the Shopping Cart forms from "shipment" to "delivery." 

For example "Ship To" should say "Deliver To" and "ADD/EDIT SHIPMENT ADDRESS" on the button and following linked page should say "ADD/EDIT DELIVERY ADDRESS."  Can anyone tell me how I go about making the changes.  I've searched the forum but haven't found the answer. I appreciate any help!


All text files live in the

language folder>>en_GB>>en_GB.com_com_virtuemart.ini

shipment Line 35
ship to : 314
COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_ADD_SHIPTO_LBL="Add/Edit shipment address"  line 554


This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!


The far better solution is to use Language Overrides.

Admin > Extensions > Language Manager > Overrides

Simply create a new item, and do a VALUE search for "Price with discount" in the right hand panel. This will give you results which contain your phrases. Then it's simply a case of finding and altering the one you want to change.

I hope this helps.
