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How to not recieve an email at every order (vendor)

Started by carsten888, July 07, 2012, 14:02:26 PM

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I am a vendor and do not want an email at each order.

I read in the manual this can be disabled in the shop-configuration.

I have 'Receive System Emails' set to 'no' but still get those emails.

Am I overlooking something?


Hi sorry , I'm just curious why you would not want to know about an order?

I am just thinking about what situation that a seller / vendor would not want to know about an order - and if the item was free to download. Then another setup would be better idea. ?

Or do you just want to go in to paypal or your bank account and see your accounts there.  I presume if you wanted to stop an email then set the vendor email to a false email address - that forwards to nowhere.  Or reconfigure it to stay on the server.


paypal sends emails already. So I get 2 emails with every order. Now that the orders have pdf's attached its just a lot of bytes sitting in my mailbox. That why.


I'm in a stand-still and I'm stuck. I opened up a thread but no one is responding. I have nearly the same issue and this is an important thing to address in the future as it should be core of virtuemart.

We need to be able to set up multiple e-mails for different functions of virtuemart, because I am now certain joomla is not overwriting anything. All my settings in joomla and virtuemart for receiving emails the way I want are setup correctly. I am trying to NOT receive e-mails only upon user registration of an account.  I only just learned now that I am spending countless hours trying to wrap my head around this when I now know that the "VENDOR" receives all e-mails concerning accounts, or in my case it does.

We should be able to setup seperately which e-mail user registration notifications get sent to, and also which e-mail or which user receives e-mails regarding invoices or to disable either feature. Why? Like he said, paypal sends out an e-mail anyways so in his case he chooses to disable. In my clients case he does not want spam of the dozens of users registering all the time, we need to send that to a junk e-mail or compeltely disable that feature.

So how can I do this by hacking the core if I must to not receive user registration e-mails since they are always sent to the vendor?



Ok Let me try and little - I have two accounts in Joomla - both set as superusers.  One I have set in VM2 as the Vendor and I have ticked in VM2 at the bottom - does not receive system emails. "I'll call him TOM

The other I have set in Joomla and in the shop but is not a vendor - but does receive system emails. I'll call him JERRY

* I turned on user register with admin permission - in Joomla and then went to the front of the shop and registered a user BILL

* Bill received an email, JERRY receive notification that Bill wanted to register.  JERRY Gave permission.  TOM received no emails from BILL at all.

* BILL then went to the shop - bought a product and TOM received an email or purchase.   So I could separate the registering from the Vendor.  Is that what you wanted to prove.?


Okay you're right. That does work, I never noticed it did. So here's where I'm at now. I made a different super user through joomla side so that it registers also a virtuemart account. It is a super user and receives system emails but is not vendor. I had to manually go into database again to verify stuff and the super user account that should be the vendor did not have a vendor id assigned.. I assigned one and made sure that that account is the only one that is a vendor. Okay all said and done, registered an account, the extra super user receive system emails account did receive the registration e-mail.. However, both accounts did. I am using a seperate e-mail for each account. But both accounts get the registration emails!!

I have it set so that registering users are automatically activated and that (I do not receive an email) but of course we are still getting it. (we would gladly remove this feature if you showed me how)

Now what?


find this as shown and tick as shown and try. in shoppers in VM2.
I have not used hacks or had to add an id at all. Just normal settings.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


this was never checked! And I made sure to double check that user account outside of 'shop' it is not checked, on the extra account where i want the spam to go to, i did select receive emails.

I still get e-mails sent to both.


I'm guessing there's gotta be a way to fix this or at least remove a snippet of code in one of the files to eliminate registration confirmation e-mail to vendor, or to set that string to a unique e-mail


So you are confirming that in the VM shop user and in the Joomla user account for the same user you have tick.

* Receive system email ( N0)  - for your super user Vendor.

If this is so then your answer might be in the Joomla forums as Joomla software should not send you system emails.


The reason I am not bothering to tweak or look for a problem with joomla directly is this, I'm going to show an example of the duplicate e-mail that is forwarded between the two e-mails.

Hi vendor Submission FC

The new shopper registration data

Login Name : fabf*
displayed name: : Billy *

Entered address
Displayed Name: Billy *
E-Mail: ___
First Name: Billy
Middle Name: _
Last Name: *
Address 1: 17 ****
Zip / Postal Code: *****
City: ****
Country: United States
State / Province / Region: ***
Phone: 555-555-5555
Mobile Phone: _
: BT

So I'm not sure why this is happening. Obviously no e-mail forwarders are enabled on cPanel, because the e-mail goes out to the account set to receive system e-mails and to the account that is the vendor (set not to receive)



You are not alone....I have the same issue.

Two Joomla Super Users....only one have been set to receive System Emails.....when a shopper get registered....both Joomla Super Users get the notification.

This is not a regular text email sent by joomla application, the notification is the HTML email formatted generated by VM.
The same is occurring with the order creation.

Please help !


Again ,

one more test - make sure that in Joomla and in VM there is a place where you turn on and off to receive emails. Just make sure they are both set the same.


Double checked...all set to NO, plus there was disabled the Admin notification @ the Joomla User management page.

And these mysterious emails keep coming...
