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Breadcrumb not working with mainmenu links

Started by pedroll, April 29, 2012, 15:21:56 PM

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    hi, i build a menu like this

    • Home (joomla frontpage)
    • VM category-1

      • VM subcategory 1.1
      • VM subcategory 1.2
    • VM category-2
    menu links have same alias as VMcategories, when i click in any link of menu breadcrumb only show "home>".
    when i go to a product in subcategory breadcrumb show "home>product", without categories

    i tried to add a link to VM frontend b without success:
    • Home (joomla frontpage)
    • VM store front
    • VM category-1

      • VM subcategory 1.1
      • VM subcategory 1.2
    • VM category-2



no one with this breadcrumb issue?

in error log i can see:
Quotemod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /var/..../modules/mod_breadcrumbs/helper.php on line 32,


I just created a account here to answer your question  ::)

I didn´t use virtuemart BUT I had the same issue as you. The problem was, that there wasn´t a default so called "Home" entry set in my joomla instance. This happened because I created one in the past, and then deleted the one and created a new one. but never set the new one as default one (BUT I had two language specified ones, one for EN and the other for SE).

So ... please check your main menu and check if there is a default menu entry ... it there isn´t one ... set one ...

Oh and you own me a beer for creating a login here if this solved your isse :P