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product language fields backend VM

Started by Da_Hobit, June 20, 2012, 15:21:48 PM

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I have my shop set-up with 3 language's :
-> french, english and dutch

VM created al the neccessary db entry's for the different type of translations
-> you see that i use a (bought) template and that my db entry's are nv8dt_virtuemart_.... -> can this be causing the problem ?

when i create a product in the backend of VM and i select another language i get the 'No (en-gb) translation in Product, please fill the fields with Flags'
-> what is normal because the first time he actually needs to create the product in the other language

BUT, the i get this error EVERY time i open/edit this particular product in another language then my initial ( dutch ) language
and all the 'fields' are always empty, despite they are correct filled in in the db  -> and correctly showed in the shop.

anybody who can help ? because i don't want to edit every time my products directly in the db ... but i want to edit them in my VM back-end

it seems that ( when i change language in product ) he doesn't 'look' in the db if that product excist and directly says 'No (en-gb) translation in Product, please fill the fields with Flags' or 'No (fr-fr) translation in Product, please fill the fields with Flags' when it's french

thanks for helping


Hi Da_Hobit,

It may be an editor issue. Change your default Editor to "None" :
- on your user settings (Users > User Manager > then Basic Settings > Default Editor)
- OR globally for your website (Global Configuration > Site > Default Editor)

Then you have to type any HTML tags if you need some in the Production Description (long).

Hope it helps.
Best Regards, Hervé Boinnard - Irish Time (GMT)
Joomla! multilingual website and online business made easy -

3D Secure v1 (3DS1) & Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)! payment plugin for VirtueMart 3:
Authipay (AIB Merchant Services) for VirtueMart 2 & 3:



thanks for quick response

- i changed the editor to 'none' tryed to edit a product ... i got NO error when selecting another language ( i thought it was solved )
but now he won't save the edited content or pricetype ( in none of the three languages )

i'm gonna test with other 'editors'


thanks to this topic i found the solution :

1. Save first each product in the different languages.
3. Make the language that you want to input as the STANDARD language.

Go to Virtuemart and you can input the products and the SAVING works


Glad you found a solution! Not practical for every day work (adding a few products), but anyway...
Best Regards, Hervé Boinnard - Irish Time (GMT)
Joomla! multilingual website and online business made easy -

3D Secure v1 (3DS1) & Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)! payment plugin for VirtueMart 3:
Authipay (AIB Merchant Services) for VirtueMart 2 & 3:


vm2  2.0.26d
Joomla! 2.5.16
after installing update 2.0.26d got fixed error in switching languages in products, still switching categories doesn't work but database in another laguage is updated in first edit, in second try getting "No (fi-fi) translation in Product Category,please fill the fields with Flags" + no changes in language fields (flags changes), same thing with other not default languages...