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Vm 2.0 and problem to update

Started by flaterik, June 12, 2012, 10:58:15 AM

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Hi people, i have on my site J 1.7 and VM 2.0.0

Then i upgrade to joomla 2.5 and not upgrade VM 2.0

Where is the problem, my VM work perfect , i try tu update to 2.0.6 and i have some problem with price and add-to-cart function.

So i restore to 2.0 but in joomla 2.5 i have the know problem of "Fatal error: Call to a member function getListFooter() on a non-object"

So how to resolve all the problem?

I must wait a fully functional update of VM?
I use template created with ARTISTEER.

Help me to choose the right way



Is the 2.0.7e the solution?
Have this version solved the Add to cart problem?

Thank you


As per my view if you want to solve the entire problem then install a fresh copy of Virtumart 2.0.6 with its compatible 2.5 Joomla version and also install a fresh copy of payment methods.