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plgVMPayment<name> constructor array $varsToPush explained

Started by Biggs_24_7, June 01, 2012, 11:29:54 AM

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Hi All,
I need some help with understanding the array that is initialised in the plgVMPayment<name> class please.
I would like to know what the array $varsToPush represents and what this array should contain.

It looks to me like these are all the variables that the payment method /processor requires the client to push through to them or am I mistakin'. What happens to these variables inside the array? Are they stored in memory or is a table created and variables stored in the table, if so where does this happen?

class plgVMPaymentPayFast extends vmPSPlugin
    // Instance of class
    public static $_this = false;

    function __construct(& $subject, $config)
    parent::__construct($subject, $config);
    $this->_loggable = true;
    $this->tableFields = array_keys($this->getTableSQLFields());
    [b]$varsToPush = array(...)[/b]

kind regards,