add to cart popup jquery.min.js (solved)

Started by lipes, May 25, 2012, 02:21:07 AM

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Hi. I've instaled 2.0.7 D .. and now i dont got the Add to Cart popup when i click in the "add to cart" button...

just know now that add to cart popup it's incompatible with adding
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
in the index file

VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25


 Hi lipes,

I've go a few other issues but in my version of 2.0.7 d the pop up works. "add to cart" -



[OffTopic] John2400: Could you please check (in your website) if your Costum Fields are working?
I am in trouble with adding a different price from CustomField in the Cart page checkout..  :S   
i am working in localhost, but this is my test website:
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25



Just had upgrade my shop form VM2.0.2 to VM2.0.6 and stuck with the problem for the popup. when I hit the add to cart button and cant see the popup but when I referesh the page it shows the item in the cart to fix that problem simple follow the instructions from this post and updated the facebox.js and it works. Just to be on safe side I keept the original version of it on my ftp before updating to that file supplied the post.... go ahead and try it....all the best....!



Please go in your shopconfig, there to the the checkout and enable the add to cart popup, or install directly the 2.0.7d.
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For me it was the same problem: add to cart button fancybox did not work.
tried my page with, then tried
One of them was working well with the add to cart popup, other didn't.

It turned out that in configuration php it was a setting for live site either one link with www or without it.

I just cleared out that setting in configuration.php like this:
public $live_site = '';

And now both way of domain name works correctly.