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VirtueMart 2 Theme (works with your current joomla template)

Started by Eugen S., May 10, 2012, 15:24:25 PM

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Eugen S.

Hello Danny,

please replace the line:

$html.= '<input type="hidden" class="quantity-input" name="quantity[]" value="1"/>';

with the following lines:

(!empty($product->min_order_level)) ? $minOrderLevel = $product->min_order_level : $minOrderLevel = 1;
$html.=             '<input type="text" class="quantity-input" name="quantity[]" value="'.$minOrderLevel.'"/>';


Eugen Stranz
Send me a pm ;-)

Danny Poole

Thank you Eugen, works perfectly. I only hade to change type="hidden"  to type="text" as the box wasn't showing.
Currently using VM3.0.6 on Joomla 3.4 PHP 5.4.30


 Good morning,
Had not used this medium to get in touch with you, Eugen S., I tried to contact by e-mail, web contact, ... and I have not received a response. I bought a virtuemart theme and gives me problems I can not solve without your help and you seem to be on vacation.
The zero price items when they can be activated from virtuemart information is requested. The form does this not work and produces a 500 error.
I hope they help me only three months ago that I bought a template and I'm not at all happy with your help.



There is a problem with the theme and the actual VM 2.0.20a version. The cart page checkout button does not work. It does not direct to the next page. It shows that TOS was not confirmed on the cart page, but there is no button to confirm.
Until a necessary theme update the following solution works:
Going to the template folder/your_template_name/html/com_virtuemart/.. there is a folder called cart. Renaming that folder to for example cart_old or so does prevent loading the cart template override, so the cart page does use the default Virtuemart cart page. It does not look very nice but it allows customers to proceed to checkout pages.


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I have the same issue. I am not sure how long it has been broken, but I just updated to VM2.0.20b this morning and I noticed that the checkout no longer works. I had to remove this theme because this is a live website and it cannot stay broken for very long.

Eugen S.


we were on a business trip in San Francisco.

Unfortunately we were not available as the VirtueMart team released a new version.

We just fixed the issue with the checkout and the missing tos confirmation.

Just download the latest version from our site or the version "unzip_me_vm2_theme_shoplicious_1.0.17" in the VirtueMart extensions store.

We are very sorry for this delay.
Send me a pm ;-)



i have buy the pack and this is not up to date with the last change


Eugen S.

Quote from: setecarea on April 23, 2013, 18:57:54 PM

i have buy the pack and this is not up to date with the last change


Hello Christophe,

we just send you the latest version. We already fixed that bug.


Eugen Stranz
Send me a pm ;-)


problem after install the latest theme...

afetr install the, i got this issue (bullet) in manufacturer and categories module. how to remove that thing? its very annoying

Please see at the attachment.


[attachment cleanup by admin]


I have purchased the template, but I can't get the product, how I can get your product?


Hi there (and from here),

I purchased your theme, very nice and very easy to configure!
I have a request for you and maybe you could add it at later version of your theme..
I want NOT to show the child products on search and on category view.. I believe that this can be acomblished through the default_categiry view of the theme...

Thank you in advance..


Hi there, very nice theme! easy to use and customize.. Congrats!

I have opened a ticket (#2944) about hiding child products at category view 3 days ago have you seen it? any suggestions?

Thank you in advance..

Eugen S.

Quote from: illank on May 28, 2013, 07:24:13 AM
problem after install the latest theme...

afetr install the, i got this issue (bullet) in manufacturer and categories module. how to remove that thing? its very annoying

Please see at the attachment.


Please contact us at and we will send you the latest version of the modules which will fix the issue.

Kind regards
Send me a pm ;-)

Eugen S.

Quote from: dangelo on June 24, 2013, 20:24:44 PM
Hi there, very nice theme! easy to use and customize.. Congrats!

I have opened a ticket (#2944) about hiding child products at category view 3 days ago have you seen it? any suggestions?

Thank you in advance..

Quote from: dangelo on June 24, 2013, 20:24:44 PM
Hi there, very nice theme! easy to use and customize.. Congrats!

I have opened a ticket (#2944) about hiding child products at category view 3 days ago have you seen it? any suggestions?

Thank you in advance..

Hello ,

thank you for this feedback. We will definitely add this feature in the near future like many other configuration settings. Many people wish more control to show / hide elements.


Eugen Stranz
Send me a pm ;-)