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Upgrade to 2.0.1e - product image disappeared

Started by Art_Koenig, February 08, 2012, 01:19:34 AM

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I have had the same problem with the upgrade to 2.0.2.
I have over 1000 products, I cannot possibly go into each one individually and change them all but I am new to this and have no idea about the commands that are talked about in previous posts. Can someone help with a step by step of how to re-publish all 1000+ images.

If I'd known this was going to happen I would never have updated.


I'm new to VM and I'm developing a site with Joomla 2.5.2 and VM2.0.2 !
Since I didn't upgrade from an old version, I'm not facing the same problem you mention, but a very similar issue.
If I create a category and insert a category image, the image is correctly shown... but when I create a product and insert an image on that product, I cannot see any image!!
I tried to unpublish and republish the image, but without success. I tried to resize the image... nothing!
I can only see the thumb Product: Image unavailable.

Any ideas?

Thank you!


I had the same problem when upgrading from VM 2.0 to VM 2.0.2
Quote from: RFreund on March 12, 2012, 02:43:12 AM
What table did you have to run the sql command on?

I have the same problem when upgrading to VM 2.0.3b
With earlier releases of Joomla, the prefix for all tables was "jos_".  With the recent releases of Joomla, you can specify the table prefix or accept a default when you install Joomla.  Look for a table that has the same prefix as all your other tables and ends with "_virtuemart_medias".   In the sql command given, replace "jos_" with your prefix.


Dear Technical Guys,

I am new to Joomla and VM but sorted out most of my problems as per your posted solutions. Now the new (may be) problem what i have face here after upgrading VM 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 that my product prices are not including in my cart. What to do for it?




Dear Technical Guys,

In connection to my post, please note that the selected product is not added into the cart which creates this whole scenario.

