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Message on thank you page

Started by muzoid, May 09, 2012, 00:56:53 AM

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Hi, I'm on Joomla 2.5 and Virtuemart 2.0.2 using

At the end of the purchase, on the thank you page I get this message "could not access file" twice. The purchase go through alright, but that showed.

Any clue what could be causing that?




The message "Could not access file" is probably due to the invoice path.
When sending an email, VM sends also an invoice in a PDF format. This invoice is created and stored under the path "Safe Path".
Check that you have defined this path correctly in the VirtueMart configuration, in the "Templates" tab.


thanks a lot for your quick reply and help!
I've checked in the template tabs and noticed that the ''path for sale'' is empty...I guess that's what you are talking about.
Still I'm not sure which path I should create there...any tipp?


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thanks for the link...I appreciate.

I followed the steps, but unfortunately it didn't worked in my case, the message ''could not access file'' is still showing up on Thank You page after the purchase.