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Setup Taxes issue

Started by ricardopraia, April 26, 2012, 12:11:00 PM

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Hi Virtuemarters!
I'm setting up a site with 2000 produts and i have the final prices with taxes inluded.
How can i setup the taxes to show the base price (example: 1000€), the  tax value (18%- 180€) and the final value (1180€)
I've configured in the "old" virtuemart version but in this new version i can't find the way.


I've the same problem with the tax calculation with option "tax per bill". Somebody has a solution ?

In the same way, I don't understand. Is the V2 stable and can be used in production or not ?


I was struggling to get different mark-ups to apply to products in different categories. Where my issue differs with yours is that my client has given me the prices including VAT, so I do not need to apply any tax rules. I am not 100% sure, but I think your issue may have something to do with the way you have set-up the categories and the products so that the 'Taxes & Calculation Rules' apply correctly. I recall reading somewhere that you can organise your products into categories and unpublished sub categories. You can then apply the Taxes & Calculation Rules to the unpublished sub categories to bring about different prices.

Let's say you want to add two different taxes to two different products under the same category

Product A needs to have 15% Tax applied
Product B needs to have 17% Tax applied

Your two products are called 'Green Apple', 'Red Cherry'

Set-up your category structure as follows:

Parent Category - 'Fruit' - published
   Sub Category - 'Green Apple' - unpublished
      Product -  'Green Apple', assigned to both of the above categories
      Save and Close

Parent Category - 'Fruit' - published
   Sub Category - 'Red Cherry' - unpublished
      Product -  'Red Cherry', assigned to both of the above categories
      Save and Close

Now, open up 'Taxes & Calculation Rules'

Click 'New'
Calculation Rule Name: 15% VAT
Published: 'Yes'
Ordering: '0' - up to you really.
Description: up to you, I leave it blank
Type of Arithmetic Operation: 'Tax per Product' - should be the right one, you could also try 'Tax per bill'
Math Operation: +%
Value: 15
Currency: up to you
Product Category: Select the Green Apple category
Shopper Groups: leave blank
Country: leave blank
State/Province/Region - leave blank
Visible for Shopper: 'Yes'
Visible for vendor: 'Yes'
Start Date: Select yesterday's date
End Date: 'Never'

Click Save

Now, find the 'Green Apple' product, edit the product and under 'Pricing rules overrides' Tax, select your new tax rule called '15% VAT'.

Save and Close.

Refresh your page and you should see the tax rule been applied.

You repeat the steps to apply to 'Red Cherry'

All the best


Please note, that upgrading to the latest release of Virtuemart 2.0.8c breaks the above set-up for some strange reason. The following forum post has been logged:

All the best for now.