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Do i have to be registered with Sage/Worldpay etc

Started by jambajamba, April 20, 2012, 12:30:18 PM

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Hi Guys

I'm a novice with Virtuemart. I have set up my shop, and my products but when i click confirm order it just says thanks for paying. I never entered my card details or anything.

So i read the read me files and other documents and i'm a bit puzzled. In my VM 2.6 and VMAIO 2.6a there is no payment list methods. Just one option that says payment. Also in the documents was something that i have to be registered to worldpay or something similar.

Can someone break it down to me please

1) I need to install payment methods. (Ideally take visa cards and paypal)
2) do i need to be registered with a payment store website? All website or just one
3) Is there plugins i can download with these payment methods already configured so i only have to set up an account with worldpay or equivalent? 

If someone could explain this for me please, as i'm struggling.

Thanks in advance :o


To set up PayPal:

In the UK if you have a PayPal business account then you can take cards through that. Or use something like Sagepay, for which there is a plugin -

Also see  (that was for VM1.1 but the links are still the same.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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