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How to turn off lightbox

Started by achilleas, March 14, 2012, 13:04:08 PM

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I turned off (for testing) all the "Css Styles & Javascripts" in configuration
Using the VirtueMart CSS    OFF
Using the Virtuemart jQuery   OFF
Using the product Scripts    OFF
Using the Script ajax Countries / Regions   OFF

but when I click on a product image its shows up in a modal box.

How can I turn off light box?

VM adds these lines in template scripts

vmCartText = ' was added to your cart.' ;
vmCartError = 'There was an error while updating your cart.' ;
loadingImage = '/joomla/components/com_virtuemart/assets/images/facebox/loading.gif'  ;
closeImage = '/joomla/components/com_virtuemart/assets/images/facebox/closelabel.png' ;
faceboxHtml = '<div id="facebox" style="display:none;"><div class="popup"><div class="content"></div> <a href="#" class="close"></a></div></div>'
window.addEvent('domready', function() {

         SqueezeBox.assign($$('a.modal'), {
            parse: 'rel'

Is there a way to turn these off?


I see that the class "modal" is hardcoded into templates. So maybe  template override will do the job.


Yes, edit the default_images.php file in VM2.0.2 or later.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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