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Published Product is not showing up in store Front

Started by circlecast, March 02, 2012, 15:22:02 PM

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First, sorry I don't know what category this goes in to so that is why I place it in the general are.
Now to the meat of the issue.

Joomla Version 2.5
VirueMart Version: 2.02

When you go to the storefront you see the categories but when you click a categories you do not see any product

but when you click a categories you do not see any product

Looked in the Admin to see if maybe just the victim of a database corruption and nope product still there.

As of last night when I went to bed everything was working I was able to see the products and all was going to open the site.
But this morning when I opened up the browser I first noticed that the featured product (which just shows a random product for now) was empty.
So I don't know if there was a bit if cache that I was seeing and flipped a wrong switch.

You Help would be great


Well I was able to fix the issue it appears that some where the language file became unchecked in the Store Configurations added English back and everything came back. So new lesson learned


Nope I found the root problem. The shopper group was set to default had to add anonymous.


I have the same problem. After I updated to virtuemart 2.02 and Joomla 2.5, suddenly now products shows up in my categories. There products shows up on the frontpage, but not under the categories. I really can't figure out why, could anyone point me in the right direction, please?