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Admin save not working

Started by naresh, February 20, 2012, 15:04:09 PM

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I am having an issue in the backend where the
'save & close'
buttons in the top right corner do not do anything on any of the pages. I click but nothing happens.

I am using Joomla 2.5.1 and installed virtuemart 2.0.1h package.

Any help would be appreciated.


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Not sure what that means, I am logged is as a super user in Joomla. Is there a way i can log in as a vendor on VM?


Not sure how being a vendor would suddenly activate the standard save, cancel buttons. Seems like a pretty serious bug as the component cannot be used.
I am a bit stuck as there doesn't seem to be any other mentions of this.


The venor question was to check a previously reported issue in a much earlier dev version. It is not a bug you are seeing, if it were everybody would be reporting it. Probably an installation error. Possible issues with the developer 2.0.1x versions should really be discussed in the development board -

Try installing the K or N versions (and maybe a later release coming today) or grab the latest from SVN. Then report any issues on the dev board.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


I seem to remeber seeing this a little while ago, and the problem was that SEF had been enabled during the installation of some components, such as VM. There have also been reported problems with GoDaddy placing custom PHP.INI files in their customers directories, try backing up and removing the INI file maybe?

On a side note, are you hosting on a Windows hosting account(or server) ?

Liam Studham - Graphical Designer / Server Engineer
VPS & Dedicated Servers - Discounts available for all VM Forum users (PM me)


Thanks guys.
I am running vps linux, so no dodgy godaddy problems for me  ;)
I do run a htaccess to control front end links and gzip etc..

I will try an install with sef off and also try the latest release and put feedback on the dev board.


Ok, drop me a PM letting me know how it works out. Would be good to know if it is the SEF side of things interfering.

Liam Studham - Graphical Designer / Server Engineer
VPS & Dedicated Servers - Discounts available for all VM Forum users (PM me)


Ok I have found the issue. It was a plugin by
It's great plugin that controls script loading across the site, it had a bug that caused it to load in the admin pages which stopped the Jquery from loading in VM, here is the fix to keep VM and the plugin.