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There is no CURE!!!

Started by adham, January 06, 2012, 15:27:30 PM

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I will give VM 2.0 one more day then will give up totally on the whole VM idea. this is the 5th slepless night and still cant change a very basic and simple things that in any other component would of taken WAY less time.

Custom filed nightmare:
Try to edit the way it displays the images 5 days and still not finished. Removing the ":" in the price is proven to be a NIGHTMARE! unless you are one of the developers and know eaxtly where to look and exactly what to do. No documentation, users in the forum trying to help but all have limits.

Now part 2: in view order (front end) and print order (backend) it shows error if you have custom fields selected, I say half a dozen posts with no reply at all, at least not a useful one.

Info in payment option do not show anywhere and not included in email to the customer, making that payment option useless, its just there but cant use it really.

Print button still dont work when Joomla SEO is enabled, old problem from VM 1 still no solution.

that is just what I ran into, didnt really test anything yet as still trying to fix the custom field display.

Most of VM users are not programmers they are simply just users, why on earth make VM so hard to setup? you need to hack this hack that (that if you know where and how)
I know that some lack of documentation is due to the developers being busy with the new VM, that is eve more reason to make VM easy to edit.

If a site owner has to spend 99% of his time "fixing" VM when they gonna have the time to actually sell something?
Anyway thats my 5 cents do correct me if you think that I am wrong.


Last time I checked VM was an open source application ...

I think open source means that problems mainly are being solved from users and developers (and thus no cost for developers except the donations that people can give) No timeframes No pressure...

Regarding your 1st problem there is a hack and I can't remember where i had found it originally.

If you change the productdetails/tmpl/(yourtemplate).php
<span class="product-field-display"><?php echo $field->display ?></span>
<span class="product-field-display"><?php $field->display  = str_replace( ':', '', $field->display) ?><?php echo $field->display ?></span>

Then you will see your ":" removed.


Maybe I wasnt clear, what I was saying is to make it easier for none programmers to find and "fix" so that users can fine tune and then pass it to other user, it means dont have to wait for a developer to come in and tell you how to do it, as it will take more time waiting for the solution. it wasnt an attack on VM it is just an opinion that I know many VM users share. Some problems do need a developer to fix. but most are "silly" ones and they shouldnt take that much time.
