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How to modify layout of featured items

Started by hibiscus, December 06, 2011, 07:07:18 AM

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Is it possible to change the template for the featured items module?  I've looked but it's not obvious to me where/how to do it.


You can modify using simple inline css as well as styling in the VM site stylesheet. Here is a simple example of the standard module with a tweak to put everything inline. I also changed the module so that the image links to the product page and not an image popup

<?php // no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

<div class="vmgroup<?php echo $params->get'moduleclass_sfx' ?>">

<?php if ($headerText) { ?>
<div class="vmheader"><?php echo $headerText ?></div>
<?php }
if (
$display_style =="div") { ?>

<div class="vmproduct<?php echo $params->get('moduleclass_sfx'); ?>">
<?php foreach ($products as $product) { ?>
<div style="float:left; display:block;margin:10px;text-align:center;">
if (!empty($product->images[0]) ) {
JHTML::_('link'JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id='.$product->virtuemart_product_id.'&virtuemart_category_id='.$product->virtuemart_category_id),$product->images[0]->displayMediaThumb('class="browseProductImage" border="0"',false)); 

<div class="clear"></div>

<?php echo JHTML::link(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id='.$product->virtuemart_product_id.'&virtuemart_category_id='.$product->virtuemart_category_id), $product->product_name, array('title' => $product->product_name)); ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
if ($show_price) {
//  echo $currency->priceDisplay($product->prices['salesPrice']);
if ($product->prices['salesPrice']>0) echo $currency->createPriceDiv('salesPrice','',$product->prices,true);
//  if ($product->prices['salesPriceWithDiscount']>0) echo $currency->priceDisplay($product->prices['salesPriceWithDiscount']);
if ($product->prices['salesPriceWithDiscount']>0) echo $currency->createPriceDiv('salesPriceWithDiscount','',$product->prices,true);


<div class="clear"></div>


if ($col == $products_per_row && $products_per_row && $col $totalProd ) {
echo " </div><div style='clear:both;'>";
} else {

<div class="clear"></div>

<br style='clear:both;' />
} else {

<ul class="vmproduct<?php echo $params->get('moduleclass_sfx'); ?>">
<?php foreach ($products as $product) : ?>
echo $product->images[0]->displayMediaThumb('class="browseProductImage" border="0"');

<?php echo JHTML::link(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id='.$product->virtuemart_product_id.'&virtuemart_category_id='.$product->virtuemart_category_id), $product->product_name, array('title' => $product->product_name,'rel'=>'facebox')); ?>
if ($show_price) {
echo $currency->createPriceDiv('salesPrice','',$product->prices,true);
if ($product->prices['salesPriceWithDiscount']>0) echo $currency->createPriceDiv('salesPriceWithDiscount','',$product->prices,true);
if ($show_addtocart) echo mod_virtuemart_product::addtocart($product);

if (
$col == $products_per_row && $products_per_row) {
echo "
} else {
endforeach; ?>


<?php }
if ($footerText) : ?>

<div class="vmfooter<?php echo $params->get'moduleclass_sfx' ?>">
<?php echo $footerText ?>
<?php endif; ?>


make sure to do a template override with the module. OR all changes will get overwritten when you update.




^^^ but you should do an override


Thanks for the help.  I really appreciate it.


Hibiscus, as Banquet Tables says I created a new Joomla override is /templates/YOUR_Template/html/mod_virtuemart_product/default.php with that file which saves it from being overwritten after each upgrade