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Re: VM2 and j1.6

Started by ed_ro, July 16, 2011, 19:32:57 PM

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i have installed it , but i only have cash on delivery and vm authorize. there is no paypal payment method inside it. i read that the plg system is totaly changed , is the paypal plg already converted or it's in the todo list?
tnx in advance....


i found the right package i installed the RC instead of RC2 sorry .
but is it normal that configuration tab is empty?

the installation failed to delete administrator/components/com_vm_all-in-one
now if i go on the configuration tab of paypal the textarea is empty and there is this message
Element not defined for type = vmjpluginwarning


i can reply myself . because the installation of the allinone goes in error , i found like 10 components named allinone in the extension list. i runed the unistall.sql of the allinone package manually , delete all the file manually and i retryed. the installation goes in error at the delete of the folder maintionated in the last post but now i have the paypal configuration working , at least i can see all the paremeters (there isnt the textarea like the vm1 version...).
sorry for the spam , i hope that my story can help someone.


It looks like you did a strange mix of RC1 and RC2. I am not sure what you did, hopefully you have now a clean installation.

You may read more here about the basics.

the paypal plugin is sandbox tested with a real sandbox account. So it should work.
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