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1.1.6 BETA 3

Started by zanardi, October 31, 2010, 20:38:05 PM

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I just uploaded 1.1.6 BETA 3 package, it is STILL A TEST PACKAGE, not to be used for production.

Available at

We are now going into "freeze" mode; this means i am only waiting for testing of the already applied fixes; if any new bug is reported from now on, it will be fixed in 1.1.7 release.

If anyone would like to test it, there are still a few fixes that need testing (they are marked as "Resolved" in Redmine, while the "Closed" ones have been confirmed to work)
Francesco (zanardi)
@gibilogic on Twitter


Well, Soeren took care of them and marked them as CLOSED, i don't know anymore about it. But i can't believe that really "none are fixed". Can you try to be more specific? Redmine task ID? Or bug description?

P.S. remember that since 1.1.5 uninstalling DOES NOT REMOVE VM tables, you should that manually to have a clean environment.
Francesco (zanardi)
@gibilogic on Twitter


About Paypal bugs, i will report them to Soeren.

About the other bugs, i seem to remember i already answered to some of them. Anyway, i will have another look at them next week and reply on this forum.
Francesco (zanardi)
@gibilogic on Twitter