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Started by wysongcj, April 09, 2008, 05:41:56 AM

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Well, I've never used Joomla before and after a few months of putting together a little something.... the link below is my Online Magic Shop. :-D For never having done this before and no formal schooling on PHP... I'm pretty proud of my "cut and paste" abilities! Of course, now the test... what do you experts think?
Thank you!
Website URL (entered in the body of the post not the thread title please):
Template: ja-larix
Additional Extensions (Components, Modules, Plug ins): VirtueMart, CSV Improved
Custom Development: a little here and there to tweak it and make my own images except for product photos
Other Features: UPS Shipping Tracker for registered users (UPS online tools created in separate html page and used wrapper to capture it)
Three (at least) specific areas of my site that I'd like feedback on (design, code, graphics, etc.): design, ease of use, marketability
Additional Comments: THANK YOU ALL AGAIN!


Hi and "bravo" if it's your first job.
The slide (which module do you use ?) will be nicer with pictures at the same size
Have you seen that you lost your modules when you click on item in the slide ?

and i will appreciate categories pictures
your cart module is very cool
I have test from France with FF2 on vista with resolution 1900x1200, all seems ok


Thank you for the kudos!!!  I have to admit, I've played with a drupal site once....  I've dabbled with cubecart.....  I'm self taught in simple HTML.  I want people to know that this is the BEST I've ever ran accross.  I can't believe the ease this system created.  I'm completely satisfied with the ease of putting this together.  Joomla and Viruemart are extremely well spelled out on how to get set up.  I did buy the dan Rahmel book "Joomla! From Novice to Professional" but, I didn't read a large chunk of it because I was able to catch on.  I'm so happy.... I feel like I just saved myself a butt load of money building my own website.  :-D

Anyway, to your comments:

When I first started looking at the Joomla... I found a template paid site.  It is at:   There is where I found the "Larix" template.  The template came with the "SLIDER" module and that is all I know.   I apologize if this isn't the answer you wanted.

I found out only sometimes I loose the modules.... Hmmmmm, perhaps I'll relink them to the appropriate pages.   Don't know why it only happens sometimes.  This is pretty mild and I didn't really notice it until you brought it up.  I'll try to rectify this.  THANK YOU!

I aim to please; however, categories pictures...  I'll dig into this for you!  :-D  Give me a little bit; however, because I'm not yet familiar with this... I recall seeing some template images; however, I didn't select them - I won't implement this if the picture shows up on the tool bar I can only see doing it only if they populate the explanation screen.

Thank you again,


How bizarre....  I can't for the life of me figure out why only SOMETIMES the modules (side bars) go away when clicking on some of the slider items.  There isn't a pattern to where I can narrow the problem down to.....   I don't understand.  :-(   

The good news..... this is so minor at this point..... I just hope it doesn't interfere in the process of user satisfaction.

Hmmmmmmmm....  my brain still hurts though :-(


it's a problem with the link and the itemid
i have to solve this problem too with a link url menu


Any luck?  I tried to search this forum for "link url menu" and this is the only post which came up.  How does one control this area?   Thanks!