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Visa 3dsecure help

Started by maia, January 17, 2007, 20:35:32 PM

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Hi there !

Is there any payment module working with 3dsecure ? If so, is there any way someone could give me some hints on how to adapt this module to a specific bank/provider ?

Thanks !


I guess I'm out of luck ... I really wanted to give virtuemart a try but ... oh well


I need this too :(
I found somethin that i think that is "simillar... but cant work the code :(


Looks promising, but i understand nothing of what is written. It's Danish i think ... If only someone could give us a hand ...


Nope it's Norwegian. Here's a rough translation of readme.1st:

DIBS betalingsmodul Method v. 1.1 2006/03/22 193000:: Betalingsmodul for VirtueMart The relay 1.0.3 Installation File package edged at root - area at VirtueMart. The files ps_order.php and ps_checkout.php am a bit at VirtueMart - the installation , but am changed to act better along with DIBS. Get kindly a the backups at existing file , and lay off any alterations as am done a prior in with the the files as follows this module. VirtueMart hasn't a strømlinjeformet utsjekking , and consecutiv functionality am changed if DIBS avail as betalingsmetode : * If customer stand in betalingsvinduet and cuts " cut off Cancel ", shall handlekurven no matter black , but facts gis alternative at to carry on bargain or to go to payment anew. This aren't standard in VirtueMart. * If customer stand in betalingsvinduet and cuts " back / The espousal " shall handlekurven no matter black , but facts gis alternative at to carry on bargain or to go to payment anew. This aren't standard in VirtueMart. * If customer has burden " back / The espousal " to accessing handlekurven , and accordingly cuts " leap Forward " to add in betalingsvinduet afresh , shall handlekurven mail anew and customer shall be able defray. This aren't standard in VirtueMart. * Facts beam no matter ordrekonfigurasjon as order getting rang Pending ", but first after that order getting rang Confirmed ", at least as DIBS am approving payment. This aren't standard in VirtueMart. Configuration File ps_dibsm1.cfg.php be bound to do skrivbar a prior configuration begin ( along with order chmod 777 the schoolfellow payment /ps_dibsm1.cfg.php" at Linux Unix ). Module configurate by VirtueMart. Adopt " shop - Lay off at mode of payment " in menu. Cross at sjekkboksen to do module active. Afford mode of payment appellation " certain payment along with DIBS Domestic " or Secure Payment conform DIBS Domestic ". Cipher do be about large type at "DM1". Bunch Payment the schoolfellow name ) large type at "ps_dibsm1". Writing mode of payment large type at PayPal ". Clients large type at default -". Discount large type at "0.0" List up orders large type at "0". Accents " store up Save ". See be enclosed skjermdump in file "leggtilbetaling.jpg". Adopt accordingly " shop Betalingsmetoder " in menu , adopt " certain payment along with DIBS Domestic Secure Payment conform DIBS Domestic ". Go to fanebladet " configuration ". Testmodus: Here chooses you about betalingssystemet do be about be in test or online. System can't large type at anything else than test a prior apparent - information am donated at DIBS. DIBS Merchant ID : Here lays you in ID obtained at DIBS in own am not sending. Valutakoder: Konverteringstabell at closed circuit television in VirtuMart at closed circuit television in DIBS. Coder for Enough SEK DKK EUR GBP and USD am inserted. Ordrestatus for succesful transactions : Adopt it rang as transactions do be about a few as DIBS returns Fair enough. Facts is recommended to consumes rang Confirmed ". Transaksjonsbeløpet am aloof and money transaction carry in DIBS as articles () beam at customer. If so avail The resort Capture , adopt it rang as do facts feasible to sluttføre bargain. Use at The resort Capture be bound to agree along with DIBS. Ordrestatus for transactions as awaiting : Adopt it rang as transactions do be about a few as they awaiting. Facts is recommended to consumes rang Pending ". Transactions awaiting from a customer enters DIBS terms and at money transaction carry or abandon. If a customer closing DIBS terms un carry or defray shall money transaction no matter change rang. If a customer cuts The espousal - the button in browseren shall money transaction nor change rang. Transactions as awaiting able after a donated interval black at ordreoversikten. Ordrestatus for transactions as am aborted : Transactions abandon as a customer cuts cut off in DIBS terms. Facts is recommended to consumes rang Cancelled ". Transactions as am aborted able black at ordreoversikten. Contend at file vm_payment_extra_info_dibsm1.php copy in in cell Paymenet Extra Info ". Accents " store up Save ". See be enclosed skjermdump in file "konfigurasjon.jpg" To preserve konfigurasjonsfilen tas skriverettighetene away after closed configuration ( along with order chmod 755 the schoolfellow payment /ps_dibsm1.cfg.php" at Linux Unix ).


Here on this page you can download the dibs/virtuemart file.  Also, it contains a readme.txt file, in english


I'm also working on it, but so far miss on sending M001 always reply "GETYERR 99 REPITA SFF"... I'm waiting a reply from Redunicre (portuguese Visa representation) to check where am I going wrong.
Due to a HD failure my personal website is down... will try to get it back ASAP