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How to set an ending date of availability for a product?

Started by Mister Paul, December 30, 2019, 16:00:29 PM

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Mister Paul


I'd like to make a Virtuemart product unavailable after a date.
Unfortunately I don't see in my VirtueMart 3.4.2 version any parameter for that in the Product/Product Status tab (I see only a date for the begining of availability).

The only way I found is to go in Product/Product Information tab/Product pricing. Set Available for All Shopper Groups and set an enddate. The bad thing is that I get a button : COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_ASKPRICE. So I have to creat an override to avoid this button.

Did I miss something and is there a more natural way to set an ending date of availability for a product?

Thanks for your help


AFAIK There is No standard way stop displaying a produkt. You have to make overrides in your template for this.

Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
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Virtuemart 3.4.x
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