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how do i prevent that the stock go negative

Started by brianronnow, December 18, 2019, 08:05:05 AM

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I just taken over a clients site from another.
Now my client say that someone has given a order, and the stock did go in -1.

How do i prevent that is is possible to order more then there is in stock?
Best regards
Brian Rønnow

GJC Web Design

VM admiin->shop front -> Action when a Product is Out of Stock
GJC Web Design
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Here were the stock 1 and the customer order 2 or more.

Is it possible to get a notification that the stock is not full?
Best regards
Brian Rønnow

GJC Web Design

In the latest versions it should not be possible to order more than the stock if configured correctly

But u don't mention versions, template or any modifications
GJC Web Design
VirtueMart and Joomla Developers - php developers
VM4 AusPost Shipping Plugin - e-go Shipping Plugin - VM4 Postcode Shipping Plugin - Radius Shipping Plugin - VM4 NZ Post Shipping Plugin - AusPost Estimator
Samport Payment Plugin - EcomMerchant Payment Plugin - ccBill payment Plugin
VM2 Product Lock Extension - VM2 Preconfig Adresses Extension - TaxCloud USA Taxes Plugin - Virtuemart  Product Review Component
Contact for any VirtueMart or Joomla development & customisation


Oh sorry..
The installation has VirtueMart 3.4.2
Best regards
Brian Rønnow


Maybe more exact VM version

Template overrides php version ????

Settings for stock ?

Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


Hello Jörgen

That only the version jeg can see, is the 3.4.2  , where can i see it?

As i have been told there is no template override, but that i have to confirm

Stetting is in Danish, so im not sure you will understand it

Handling hvis et produkt bliver udsolgt
   Send underretning om lav lagerbeholdning
   Stockhandling on product level
x Produkter der ikke er på lager kan fortsat bestilles, uden der
    Vis ikke produkt
    Produktet skal ikke vises, hvis underprodukter ikke er på lager.
x  Viser 'Giv mig besked' i stedet for 'Føj til kurv' knappen
     Produkter der ike er på lager, kan bestilles, og feltet »Tilgængelig« bliver vist nedenfor
Best regards
Brian Rønnow


Hard to see in your text but it seems you have ticked:
QuoteProdukter der ikke er på lager kan fortsat bestilles, uden der
This should explain overselling.
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


Best regards
Brian Rønnow


untick stockhandling on product level, se the description why.

Stockhandling will be set for EVERY product, not good for performance.

Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


i just dont understand why there can be ordered 2 item, if only one is in stock, shouldn't there be an notification of that?
Best regards
Brian Rønnow


  • If You allow negative stock this is possible.
  • Who should get the notification ? Customer, Vendor ? What do You think should happen ?

If You allow overselling, you will get negative stock.
When You handle the order, You will notice that stock is empty.
If You want more actions, You will have to customize Your template. I have done so for myself. Olympian themes have now preorder option in their themes.

Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.