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Having issues with URLs and Can't Seem to See Any Changes

Started by eugenecjr, October 16, 2018, 01:56:40 AM

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After spending some time I went though all of the settings and set them back to their defaults or at least to the best of my knowledge. I was able to get things working both when logged in and not. From there I started enabling and configuring things they way I wanted and found that a specific module was actual reproducing the error. This module was related to 'Custom Filter' extension. With the module associated to this extension enabled the issue was presented. By simple disabling it the issue went away.  So with that knowledge I started working on moving forward without this module which was intended to add some filtering options for those searching the cart. 

I now have everything setup and working so both employees and business partners (shopper groups) can get to what they need without having extra (empty) categories getting in the way. It is not as streamlined as I would like with a shop only showing the applicable categories based on shopper groups but it is functional. 

Once I had everything to a usable state for both shopper groups, I enabled the troublesome module and the issue reappeared.  So the module/extension will not be usable in my environment.

GJC Web Design

It would appear the 'Custom Filter'  module is adding in or using the wrong cat ids -- have you contacted the developer?
GJC Web Design
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I have and to this point he is intent that the issue has nothing to do with custom filter and would like to charge to look further into the issue.  Given that I have been able to work around the issue and although the features are an added benefit they are not necessary. So I don't see the need to fund the discover of the problem.  It is a paid option for which I have already purchased and one would think it would be in their interest to determine the issue and correct to ensure a better product moving forward.