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Custom Fields not showing up in cart and confirmation mail anymore

Started by bobdev, June 28, 2017, 19:19:34 PM

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Hello there,
I have some products having custom fields and they used to work fine before I installed VM 3.2.x
I simply updated to VM 3.2.2 and custom fields stopped working. I can see them in category and product view but they are not displayed at all in cart and confirmation mail anymore.
Custom fields' position is set to 'addtocart' and both 'cart attribute' and 'cart input' are set to 'yes'.
Custom Fields are not displayed in the order page of the admin panel as well.

I wonder whether something have changed with 3.2.x and the old custom field setting need to be updated or changed in order to have them work properly with VM 3.2?

Thank you.


I installed VM 3.2.3 and now it is working as expected. I guess it is a bug in VM 3.2.2
I hope this may help others.


Thank you for sharing.
I'm having the same issue. I updated but it didn't fix the issue.
I'm using "Custom field: textinput"

Which custom field we're you using?
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