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Help Needed removing 'Displayed Name' field on reg-form

Started by ch1vph, August 03, 2017, 22:22:44 PM

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Hi there,

So I've put this off for a good while and have just been using this 'Display name' field as a duplicate for a users 'First Name'

This issue is to do with the Joomla core field linked with the padlocked VM 'name field' titled 'Display Name' (which I have managed to unlocked in the admin area) but I still get this error message if the field is unpublish (see 1st attached pic) I also get this message if a customer tries to checkout and creates account you later use (2nd pic) and tries if a customer tries to just register on my account maintenance page (3nd pic)

As you can see from the screenshots having this 'mandatory field' is neither use nor ornament and I need some sound advice on how to fix this crazy issue.

I've searched and read every post possible...that has anything to do with fixing this problem, and have read similar field problem post multiple times, but I really need some upto date help on exactly what is needed to get round the major issue, as I'm at a complete dead end with all older posts on this issue.

Chris H

VM VirtueMart 3.2.2
Joomla 3.7.3
PHP 5.6.31


Hello All,

Any advise is welcome on the matter, because as at present I just have the words 'Initials' setup instead of default and non removable field 'Display Name' but neither of these fields are needed at all really & still need help removing...asap as I need to config my automatic postcode fill plugin without this additional Display Name field!!

Thanks again

Ventsi Genchev

In my opinion the change of the Display Name field is not a good idea.
On the user sign-up page, you can simply hide the field and add a code to fill it out automatically with data from another field.
But the cmsmart One page checkout does not automatically support this option. I do not use it and I have no idea how such a change could happen to him.
Audio Store: - Bulgarian language - English


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Ventsi Genchev

Quote from: Milbo on August 16, 2017, 11:39:07 AM
I had missed that. :)
Milbo, whether it can work with cmsmart One page checkout? I guess he will not be able to hide the fields. It may be necessary to change the CSS.
Audio Store: - Bulgarian language - English


Ok thanks for looking at this situation, and yes it is CMS opc?! ;)

As for the plugin Milbo mentioned, that could work as I already have a hidden acynewsletter field (in the 'account maintenance part of the billing section) - see pic But I'll spent alot already on plugins - but will look into that.

Can I ask Venci what are you talking the standard vm checkout/signup page or do u use anythong like rupostel...when u mentioned about hiding fields normally?



It should work with any kind of OPC. The plugin does not hide the userfields, you need todo that yourself. The plugin fills the fields automatically, so that they are not required.
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Studio 42

You can copy email field in the other fields with javascript onChange and hide the same fields with CSS.
You can do same for email confirmation too.


When you do not have this prepared it is usually more work, than my plugin. Which provides also a lot other features.
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