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Tax not being applied to shipping JM3/VM3

Started by leonardimfg, June 08, 2017, 19:01:07 PM

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Using Joomla 3.7.2/VM 3.2.2/iStraxx UPS 3.15.4
I have a single tax rule for state sales tax, it works fine on items, but does not apply the sales tax to the shipment method.  Setting the shipping tax rule to "NY Sales Tax" charges all customers the 8% on shipping, setting it to does not charge any shipping taxes.  The tax rule worked at one point, but I think it stopped during an update, not sure if it was VM, JM, or the plugin.

Tax Rule
Calculation Rule name: NY Sales Tax
Published: Yes
Ordering: 0
Type of Arithmetic Operation: Tax per product
Math Operation: +%
Value: 8.0000
Currency: United States dollar
Product Category: Available for all
Shopper Groups: Available for all
Manufacturer: Available for all
Start Date: 12/31/69
End Date: -Never-

Shipping Rule
Enable shipping tax: Yes
Tax rule: Apply default rules

K&K media production

Your rule should be VatTax per product, not Tax per product.


I tried updating the tax rule to VatTax per product, but it didn't make any change.  With the shipping module set to Default Tax Rule, no tax is charged in state, set to NY State Sales Tax, all orders, even out of state are charged the 8% tax.  Is there another setting I could be missing?

K&K media production

do you use the default shipment plugin "weight_countries" or iStraxx UPS

in case of iStraxx UPS be shure you've the latest version or submit a support ticket on


I would like to know the difference between

"Tax per product" & "Vat Tax per product"

Further I am facing a strange issue with "Tax - Apply default rules" in Shipping method; it does not calculate the tax properly.

e.g. if the tax on product is 5%, I want the tax on shipping to be the same, but it is showing 4.71%. My observation says, the "tax amount" is rounded off and the tax percentage is shown accordingly.

Can someone help me with this as I want to show the correct tax percentage. This is critical.

Thanks in anticipation