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VirtueMart (VM) Cart Missing After Upgrade To Joomla! 3.6.4 with VM 3.0.18

Started by tdma_virtue, November 18, 2016, 13:23:10 PM

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I am posting to this forum because I need an answer asap to fix our virtuemart problem in our business joomla website.
I have also posted the same message in the form but have not yet received any answer.
Here is the post:
I have Upgraded Our YouBooks Site From Joomla! 1.5 To Joomla! 3.6.4 As Follows:
1. Created New Folder "jm" for the new Joomla Site in our domain folder
2. Installed YouJoomla "Demo_Eximium-J3" as the Joomla 3.x Template Base
3. Upgraded YouJoomla "Demo_Eximium-J3" Installation To Joomla 3.6.4
4. Installed YouJoomla "Plugin_Yjsg_Framework-2-2-5" as Yjsg Framework upgrade
5. Installed YouJoomla "Template_Youbooks-J17andUP" as YouBooks Template
6. Installed YouJoomla "Module_Yjpiecemaker-J17andUP" Extension
7. Installed VirtueMart Per Their Instructions As:
___a. Installed "" - main program
___b. Installed "" - 2nd step
___c. Installed "" - 3rd step
8. Put this New Site in Offline Mode For Development and to prevent SEO

Our Original Site Is Still At until our upgrade configuration and contents copying is complete.

I Now Have 2 PROBLEMS (A and B):
A)___The New Site installation described in the steps above is missing the VM Cart Image with "CART (0)ITEMS" next to it as it appears on our Original Site in the upper right corner of the home page
--The New Site shows NO Cart Image, and simply shows "CART EMPTY" and does nothing when you click on it
--The Original Site opens a short message below the Upper Right Cart Image/status text when you click on it which states: "YOUR CART IS CURRENTLY EMPTY.", and I assume that when there is something in the cart it will then open up a detailed cart description page --- the New Site gives no indication of that.

B)___The Menu Bar width is smaller in the New Site than it is in the Original Site so that the Main Menu Titles Push the rightmost Item down to the next line when going from Internet Explorer to FireFox for example.
--The Original Site did not do this, and the Menu Bar width in the Original Site is a bit larger which prevents this problem -- so the Menu Bar appearance in the Original Site is the same in FireFox as it is in Internet Explorer.

I need to know what needs to be done and/or configured in order to get problems (A) and (B) resolved, especially need to get the same Original Shopping Cart Image/text in the upper right corner of our site that works to open up the Cart Details like it does on our Original Joomla! 1.5 Site --- I have attached two screen shots with this post so you can see the difference between the Original and New Sites showing these differences/problems.

Note: Both screen shots are from Internet Explorer.

P.S. I would also like to know how to get the Original Site "CUSTOMERS LOGIN" to appear in the upper right corner on the New Site next to the left of the cart as it did in the Original Site (please see images). Also, is there any way to copy the Original J1.5 Site YJ-VM Showcase Module and any other YJ-VM Modules from the Original J1.5 Site into the New J3.6 Site So That They Still Work And Are Secure according to the New J3.6 Framework security requirements/upgrade?

I did some more digging, and found this article:

Yet, I still need your help to determine what to do/what code to write/modify to implement these instructions - I don't know exactly what files to modify in my Joomla installation and if anything else is needed.

Please help  :)


In my view you have approched this in the wrong way. When I upgrade an old VM site I create a default installation of the current  Joomla and the latest stable VM. Then I use the Daycounts Migrator to import old site content into the new installation to give a "working" site with default templates.

After that I install the required Joomla template, any other required extensions, sort out any menu issues and then work on any VM template/css overrides that may be required.

The modules in VM3 and very different from those that existed in VM1.x - and the old modules will not work with Joomla3/VM3.

A> The default cart module does not include a logo/icon, so if you need one you should edit and override the module template or look for a third party plugin extemsion than suits you. It does appear that you are using a hacked cart module in your VM1 site in any case.

B> The menu is related to your choice of Joomla template, nothing to do with VM. Use Firebug to examine the code and possible use custom css to resolve what you see as your problem.

You can create a customer login module if you wish, and publish it to whatever user position you like. If one does not appear in your preferred place in the template then edit the template's index.php to include that position.

Old showcase etc modules are not transportable into J3/VM3 but there are a lot of third party product display extensions available.

If I were you I would not try to replicate that old site too closely. Probably I'd use a template designed from the start to work with VM and modify it as necessary to suit your products. eg see

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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