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guest checkout does not work anymore

Started by DanielIIC, November 14, 2016, 12:48:18 PM

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I have a big problem,

I am not aware that I changed anything but for some reasons the guest checkout does not work anymore:
I want that a guest can check out, but if I click on "edit address" then it is asking to log in.
however, if I just click the confirmation bottom, without any address, it loads the side again and then I can fill in the address.
I checked the permissions and they seems to be fine.
also I have unticked the two options:

- On checkout, ask for registration
-Only registered users can checkout

any idea?
webpage is:



Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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well yes, good point: :-\

Joomla! 3.6.4
VirtueMart 3.0.18

donĀ“t know the PHP version.


You have a menu item for VM "Account Maintenance" page with "Access" only to "Registered" user. You need to set the access as public to allow guest users to view the billing address form/page.


that was it!
I never touched this menu point and it is all in English, there was no English part on the checkout before.
can it be that virtuemart/Joomla forgot the setting somehow?

thanks for the great assistants!!


"I want that a guest can check out, but if I click on "edit address" then it is asking to log in."
looks like your user account maintenance area is for registered only. Please try the last version on the dev server vm3.0.18.3, which has a router fix checking menu items also by access rights.
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Yeh, I typed that already, and was uploading the new version on the server. It is atm luck that it works for you, because the old router selected sometimes teh wrong itemid, the one which is set to registered, even when you provided a public one.
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not sure if I understand what you mean but I will try the new version tonight.


I was typing the answer, and Jumbo had not answered. And I had the fix already in the package, but then I noticed something small and repacked it, meanwhile jumbo answered :-)
We need a lot tester for vm3.0.18.3, remember to create a backup before (as always)
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