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Orders going missing :(

Started by dmb, April 01, 2016, 15:40:45 PM

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I've just had another one of these ... invoice created, Paypal payment made but no order on file. Definitely not human error this time so now I'm worried I'm losing orders.

Does Virtuemart log errors anywhere that I could check ?

Also something that I've noticed - the Order numbers are sequential as are the order IDs, though they're not linked:

Order number   Order ID   Order date/time
.......                   .......       .......
ES8I09826        9843
YD3Z09827       9844        Mar 25 11:18
I7AV09828        9845
E94909829       9846
A4D909830       9847
7E7N09831       9848
H8Q209832       9849
YG1N09833       9850
.......                   .......       .......
89FZ09853        9870      Mar 30 21:29
RXYR09854        9871      Mar 31 18:14

Now the invoice file date/time for the missing order is Mar 31 09:53 so it should appear between the last two. The file date/time also matches the Paypal payment time of Mar 31 09:53. Also the invoice is for order number XKZV09827 - this seems wrong as well as 09827 was used a week ago !!
