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Product details | Price excluding VAT

Started by mediax, March 30, 2016, 08:22:35 AM

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Hi Guys,

Can anyone help me with this, I am trying to display the price excluding VAT on the product details template as well as in category view page. This is the line that display the price, but is calling on a function that I cannot find:

echo shopFunctionsF::renderVmSubLayout('prices',array('product'=>$product,'currency'=>$currency)); ?>

Any help will be appreciated,

Using Latest Joomla and VM


This is standard in VM - Just set correctly the configuration in VM admin

admin > VM > configuration > prices

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Thanks for the reply.

I did try this suggestion, but when I un-tick the final price and only leave the sales price without tax, the cart final price is omitted. I am needing a result where the price displayed on front end in category browse and product detail gives me the price without tax and on  the cart / checkout I need sales price final price and tax displayed.



You need to state what you want to achieve

You are now adding the cart display into the equation, that was not specified in your first post.


Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Thanks for the reply,

I will try explain better:

I am listing prices on two pages ->

1) The category - Product view
2) The Product Detail View

These prices need be VAT excluded (we use 14% Vat)

When in the cart view on Checkout, I need the Total ex Vat, the VAT amount and final sales price.

When editing configuration prices as you first suggested, to show only the salesprice ex VAT in product detail view, the final sales price does not appear in the cart.


Studio 42

I had same problem,
Only needed the Exlucde Vat price in cart.
I simply removed price type, i dont need in my overides, so you can display this price in the cart.