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I want 4 articles in one row, but Virtuemart doing his own thing!

Started by p.lankhaar, April 07, 2016, 00:13:49 AM

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Dear friends,
At first thanks for reading this topic.

I use my website as a catalogue to show our collection. Unfortunately I have some problems with the actual lay-out.

When I want to show 4 categories in a row, Virtuemart shows 4. When I want 3 or 5, Virtuemart shows 3 or 5. By the articles that doesn't matter. When I try 3 or 4 or 5, Virtuemart shows only 3 articles in a row.
Look for an example on This Page!

Second problem is that I have a line between the model Nagra IV and the two models Nagra 4.2 and Nagra III. Firebug says it's a horizontal-separator.
What is that and how can I remove it!


CSS problem as you are using a "narrow" template, with Protostar most people use 3 per row..

You could use the following as an override.

div.product {
    min-width: 170px;
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


You make my life easier!
Thank you!

I have also a strange problem with the text who is displayed. By each brand I try to tell some history. When it's available of course.
When people visit the items on our site, I want to show first the products and under the products the history.
On my XAMPP installer that works OK with the following change:

I have edited default.php

<div class="vm-pagination vm-pagination-bottom"><?php echo $this->vmPagination->getPagesLinks (); ?><span class="vm-page-counter"><?php echo $this->vmPagination->getPagesCounter (); ?></span></div>

<div class="category_description">
   <?php echo $this->category->category_description; ?>

But when I upload my default.php to my online website, the description is still first, and then the products. Perhaps I have overlooked something.