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User registration fields

Started by dmb, August 27, 2015, 14:56:51 PM

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I'm renovating an old Joomla 1.5/VM2.0 website and having migrated everything to Joomla 3.4/VM3.0.9 am trying to customise the fields that must be completed at registration.

On the old site the registering user had to enter billing details as well as username/password/email address, but it seems that the "Display on registration form" option has disappeared from the VM/Config/Shopper fields screen. The only options I have for shopper fields are "Required", "Published", "Show in cart form", "Show in shipment form" and "Show in account maintenance" - none of these affect the registration form. Has this changed along the way from VM2 to VM3 or am I doing something stupid ?

Any help appreciated !



Are you using the Joomla registration form? If yes, you might consider to unpublish it, because it's frequently being attacked by hackers and it's not really needed for a shop. Instead enable 'On checkout, ask for registration' in VM configuration > 'Checkout' tab.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


The "registration page" is now the form at checkout, with billing and shipping as necessary, set with Show in cart form. IF your display is different maybe you use a commercial template?
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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