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Show shopper fields as plain text

Started by travelbaba, April 07, 2015, 17:41:11 PM

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I would like to show the shopper informations ( address, zip, name, etc... as far as shipping details) as plain text, maybe inside a php file.

The best would be using a chronoform or somethig like this.
Could you please help me?


Studio 42

Sorry, this is not a real question.
Try to explain better. Or give more info(image snapshot, how you will get the user ...), what you need to do with this ?



thanks for reply.

Basically, the shop owner doesn't want that the customer can change his informations like adress, city, zip, shipping adress etc... because this informations can be changed only by shop owner.
But the shop owner wants that the customer can verify his information and eventually write to the shop owner to change the informations ( in the future we will implement an auto update between virtuemart and invoice software, but it's not planned now).

Thats why I need a solution to show customer informations only as plain text.

I was thinking of chrono connectivity ( I don't know if it's possible to mention third party components here), but I'm not a great programmer.

I was thinking somethik like I do in productpage, where I can put some statement like:

?php echo $this->product->product_name ?>

But I don't really find the single statement to identify the userinfos.

Hope this information are more clear to find a solution.


GJC Web Design

make the userfields on the "My Account" page read only

you can style them as well to not have borders etc so look like plain text
GJC Web Design
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Studio 42


If you need to add user adress or similar in another component, Look in

To modify the adress render see :
Warning this is used in Virtuemart, if you change something and update, the change are lost.It's better to use template overide
